Web Designer and content writer Montreal Canada

Why a Website is Important for Your Business Growth?

Why a website is important for my business growth

Thinking about creating a website for your business and wondering what are the benefits of having one? Then you’re in the right place. In this post I’ll tell you 8 reasons why a website is important for your business growth in 2021.

Some Interesting Facts

The fact is, consumers expect companies to have an online presence and will consider a company that doesn’t have one as less professional. And with an effectively designed website, you can showcase your products or services to new and existing clients 24 hrs a day, all year round.

Moreover, with the way people research for local businesses nowadays, having a website where they can find yours is key.

How to promote a blog post after publishing it

Here are some interesting statistics:

That said, if you want your business to pop up in your dream client’s search queries, then you need a website.

Why a website is important for my business growth

8 Reasons Why a Website is So Important for Your Business

1 Get found online by your dream clients.

A website can get your business in front of new targeted clients. Not only those who follow you on social media, but also the people who are looking solutions to their problems on search engines (like Google, Bing, DuckduckGo).

When properly optimized to appear on search engines (with effective SEO techniques), your website can appear for organic (unpaid) search results.

2 Create new streams of income.

A website can help to create new sources of income like selling digital products or services, affiliate marketing, donations, and others. And even though hard work is required to set you up for ecommerce, it’s a long term benefit that’s worth the effort.

3 Be accessible to your clients 24/7.

In case of any eventually, a digital home base can help you keep doing business 24hrs a day, all year round. For instance, when social media platforms are down or change their algorithms, your audience can still engage with your brand through your website.

Moreover, with the new reality the COVID-19 lockdown has brought, a website can help you stay on business.

4 Build online credibility.

Imagine you’re a big success on Instagram with your fashion sense or your photography talent, and then you start getting the attention of big brands. Where would you like them to see your portfolio or send to you an email? 🤔

Well, I’m sure you’d like to refer them to a beautiful professional website where they can see who you are, your work, and some testimonials. That’s right, you want them to see your business as an authentic one. A website can help you build credibility.

See How to build online credibility for your business

5 Create authority in your industry

By publishing content regularly on your website about your knowledge on a topic, you’ll be seen as the leading expert in your niche. Moreover, you can promote that content to other social media channels, right from your website.

See How to grow your email list and show off your expertise with a quiz.

6 Cultivate trust for your business

Blogging regularly about your craft and sharing your knowledge with your audience, can help you build a connection with them. In other words, by evolving your website into a blog, you can earn your reader’s trust.

See “Why Start a Blog for My Business?”

7 Brand positioning

By building a website with a consistent look and feel, people will start recognizing your brand’s voice. It can help you to stand out among a sea of competitors.

8 Grow your business while you sleep.

By implementing an Email Marketing System (EMS) on your website, you can build an engaged audience through email subscriptions. But most importantly, you can keep that audience. Say goodbye to social media’s algorithm, you can still engage with your readers.

What are the benefits of having a website for my business

Where do I get started?

If you’re ready to set up your website, then the next step is deciding to either DIY or to hire someone to help you out. Either way, start by making a careful assessment of your budget, time and willingness to learn.

Next, get informed on the most popular website builders nowadays. To help you find out the right choice, I’ve set up the follwing free quiz.

Take the first step!

Having your own website can bring new possibilities for your business’s growth. From reaching your ideal clients, to creating new streams of income. Moreover, a website is essential to keep your business thriving during these challenging times.

That said, grab your spot in the digital world and get a website today!

Picture of Estela Perez

Estela Perez

Ecommerce specialist passionate about creating digital experiences with users in mind

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4 thoughts on “Why a Website is Important for Your Business Growth?”

  1. Pingback: How to Establish Online Credibility for Business | Stella Web Studio

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