Web Designer and content writer Montreal Canada

7 ways to establish online credibility for your brand

How to establish online credibility for business

If you have some sort of online presence your brand is exposed every day to new audiences, which means there’s an opportunity to make a good first impression among them. In this post I’ll tell you how to establish online credibility for your business, by implementing 7 actions.

How to establish online credibility for your business


Having a website helps building your online credibility
A website is a permanent place where people can learn about you anytime, anywhere.

When people search on Google to discover new products or services, they will want to learn as much as possible about the company they’ll choose to buy from.

Probably the first place people will find out about you, will be through your Facebook page, which is a good start.

However, having a website that showcases the personality of the company, and your products or services, will give people signals of the authenticity of your business.

In addition, it is strongly recommended to register your own domain name with a .com extension, and getting a SSL Certificate as a seal of trust for your website.


Place your contact info, working hours, social media accounts, and contact form in a visible place across your website. Also, create an “about” page for yourself and/or the team members of your company.

Additionally, have a personalized email address with your own domain name and avoid using free email services.


Choose a professional logo and a set of colors and fonts for your brand. Implementing a consistent image for your business will help you build memorability. As a result of this, every time you share a post on your blog or social media, people will start to associate it with your brand.


How to rpomote a blog post after publishing it

Ask yourself where your ideal audience is gathering and focus on using one social platform regularly. Adding social media to your marketing strategy, will allow you to develop a relationship with your audience using a more relaxed tone of voice.

The following quote illustrates the style to use on social:

“For businesses, communication through social media requires to abandon the marketing speech and using a more authentic tone of voice. A company that uses a corporate speech on social media, runs the risk of being perceived as someone who during a social event, talks to her friends as though she was a walking brochure.”

Brunet, Lessard, Ducas РLes M̩dias Sociaux en Entreprise


Why start a blog for your business, what it is and who blogs and how to create an effective blog post
Build authority and create trust through a blog.

Writing regularly (or blogging) about your product or service is a great opportunity to build authority in your niche. For instance, you can create content inspired on the questions customers frequently ask about your products or service. As a result, you’ll start establishing yourself as an expert on your industry, and furthermore, gaining your audience’s trust.

Recommended: How to create an effective blog post


Care for your customers whether you're online or offline to build credibility for business.
Care for your customers whether you’re online or offline.

If someone takes the time to reach you out by email, or on your blog or social media to ask a question, to make a thoughtful comment or giving a review (good or bad), please take immediate action and respond as soon as possible. This will be key to not only create a good impression, but also a good reputation.


When browsing on Google, people will make a quick scan of the results and will naturally choose those businesses that have the best reputation. Therefore, take care of your customer service (online an offline), so people will be willing to recommend your brand to others. Also, ask satisfied customers to leave a review on your website or social media platform.


Taking the actions mentioned above will allow you to make a good first impression online. Moreover, showing authentic care for the people that takes the time to interact with your business online or offline, will build a more valuable asset for your business: credibility.

What other actions do you think can be taken to build online credibility? Share your thoughts on the comment section below.

Thank you for reading!

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How to establish online credibility for business with 7 actions
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Estela Perez

Ecommerce specialist passionate about creating digital experiences with users in mind

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5 thoughts on “7 ways to establish online credibility for your brand”

  1. Very interesting and I can see your blog follows what you recommend.

    I certainly get a bit discourage when a company’s contact information is a hotmail email account.

    Thank you Stella Web

      1. Laura Pérez

        Hi!!! When you have a good product or service it is important First to take time to stablish in a paper your Mision, viSion and objectives and Put it on your blog visible , So your costumers will know more about your bussiness values, and the way you can help them so solve the need they are having.

        1. That is very true! Those core values are the background of your business and should definitely be mentioned on your website. Thank you so much for your insight!!! 😊🙌

  2. Pingback: Why A Website Is Important For Your Business Growth | Stella Web Studio

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