7 Effective Lead Magnets to Bring New Customers to Your Email List

7 Effective lead magnets to bring new subscribers to your email list in 2021 by Stella Web Copywriting Services Montreal Canada

Want to grow your email list with an effective lead magnet? Want to give value to your dream clients so they gladly sign up to your newsletter? Then, you came to the right place. In this post you’ll find 7 effective lead magnets to bring new customers to your email list. Plus, you’ll learn what … Read more

How to Do a SWOT Analysis for Your Blog [Free Template]

How to do a SWOT Analysis for Your Blog Free Template by Stella Web STudio

Finding a way to stand out as a blogger in 2023 can be challenging. Given how easy it is to start a blog, the industry is now saturated. With so many established and new digital entrepreneurs, you may be wondering… “How can I compete with someone who’s already doing what I want to do?” “Will … Read more

How To Choose The Best Website Builder For Your Business

How to choose the best website builder with 5 factors to consider

So you want to create your own website for your blog or business, but don’t know which website builder is the best for your project? I get you. Choosing a platform to set up your website can be tricky, there are simply endless options to pick from! WordPress, Shopify, and Squarespace are the top platforms … Read more

How to Create an Environment to Work at Home – 14 Tips

How to Create an Environment to Work at Home for Productivity 14 Tips by Stella Web Studio

Are you permanently working from home and would like to make some changes to be more productive, focused, and creative? Say no more. In this post I’ll share with you 14 tips to create an effective environment to work from home. Here’s the thing: as a freelancer myself, I know from experience that working from … Read more

10 Success Habits of Online Entrepreneurs You Need to Practise

Habits of Successful Online Entrepreneurs Stella Web Design Candiac

Looking to build an online business in 2023, but can’t find the time to do so?

Learn how successful online entrepreneurs are achieving success with 10 effective habits they practice every day.

Starting a Digital business Takes Discipline

Sometimes people who start an online business have to juggle with an endless list of things to do daily. For instance a full-time job, a family to raise, groceries to shop, meals to cook. Well, you get the idea. Plus, being an entrepreneur often means working from home… solo.

But, how is it that other people are succeeding at it? What’s their secret sauce?

Well, being an online entrepreneur myself, I wanted to discover the experts’ secret for success. So, I did a research and for the last year I’ve been reading their books, listening to their podcasts and following them on social media.

It turns out, their secret for success is in the habits they practise every single day.

After learning more about each one them, I created a list with 10 of the most effective habits for success.

10 Success Habits of Online Entrepreneurs You Need to Practise

Incorporate some of these 10 brilliant daily habits to succeed in your own online journey.

10 success habits of online entrepreneurs you need to practise, in 2021

Read below the details for each habit you’d like to develop.


Would you like to have more time to get organized, plan out your day and work on your business? Then waking up early will be key. Just imagine how much would you accomplish with an extra 15, 30, or 60 minutes a day!

Like any new habit, this one takes time to build. But the first step is to find your passion, by identifying the one thing that makes you jump out of the bed in the morning. Then, as soon as you know what this is, you’ll feel motivated to wake up early more easily.


Have you ever noticed how successful online entrepreneurs consistently publish great digital content from very early in the morning? It makes you wonder: “When do they have time to do this?”, “How did they come up with this great idea?”

Well, their secret is that they don’t go to social media as soon as they wake up (or spend much time on it). Instead, they focus on creating their own content first, scheduling it, and then later on they consume it.

So, the lesson for you and me is: create content before you consume it.


Keep close to you a journal and a pencil to write down your dreams, thoughts, ideas, goals, and the things you’re grateful for. In her book “Everything is Figureoutable”, Marie Forleo says that writing helps you get focused and makes you accountable on the goals you want to achieve.


If you’re dreaming of starting an online biz, it’s important to make a plan that describes how you’re going to make it happen.

For instance, let’s say that you’re dreaming of starting a blog. Then to materialize this dream, you’d have to start writing down a plan that specifies:

  • What will you blog about?
  • What skills you need to learn?
  • Will you DIY or hire someone to create your blog?
  • Who will be your ideal client?
  • How much would you need to invest?
  • How will you monetize it?
  • How will you name your blog?
  • When will you launch it?

To sum up, having a plan for your business will steer your actions towards the materialization of your dream.

Related: Take the “Is Blogging Right For You” Free 1 minute Quiz


After setting a plan, break it down into small measurable pieces by setting SMART goals. By this I mean write specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound goals.

Here’s how to set SMART goals:

  • Specific. For example, you want to start a successful lifestyle blog. But what is exactly successful? Well, maybe you want yours to be the #1 Lifestyle blog in your local community. Or more specifically, you want to have the #1 Lifestyle Blog in your local community with focus on fashion? The more specific your goal is, the easier it’ll be to measure it!
  • Measurable. How will you measure your growth towards your goal? In other words, how will you know you’re the #1 Lifestyle Blog in your local community? Well, maybe getting a daily traffic of 500 visits a day from your local community, will be the way to measure your growth.
  • Attainable. This means your goals should be achievable. Maybe you want to talk about several topics on your blog like fashion, beauty, health and family. But the reality is that you only have time to blog about fashion. Therefore, focus on smaller, attainable goals until you can work on the bigger ones.
  • Relevant. Work on goals that align with the broader vision for your business. If you’re a blog about fashion for women in their 40s, but 70% of your traffic comes from markets that don’t contribute to your business. Then, how is this helping to reach your goal?
  • Time-bound. Set a reasonable timeline to achieve your goals. For instance, you want to have 10k subscribers on your blog, and you currently have 1k. Then setting a 2 year timeline for example, would be a reasonable time to achieve your goal.


Identify and remove the sources of distraction. For instance, put away your phone or silence it during work time, pause your social media apps, organize your desk, get yourself a bottle of water and put nice music on. You get the idea ;).

In other words, create an environment that stimulates your creativity and increases your focus.

To learn more read How to Create an Environment to Work at Home for Maximum Focus


Would you like to become an expert in your topic? Then read every day. Books are a great source of knowledge that will help you solve many problems and in consequence help your audience.

By reading, listening to audio-books and podcasts, you’ll unlock many secrets successful entrepreneurs regularly share (sometimes for free!).

My personal favorite podcasts are: The Goaldigger Podcast and Problogger, they’re packed with useful tips to grow your business online.

That said practise reading even for 15 minutes a day. This will change your life forever!


Whether you’re hanging out with people in real life or social media, cultivate meaningful relationships. Successful entrepreneurs surround themselves with supportive people, and help others grow.

Entrepreneurship is a two-way street where you grow by giving and receiving support.


Successful entrepreneurs understand that in order to give their best, they have to be in great shape mentally and physically.

Practising self care includes:

  • Spending quality time with your loved ones.
  • Eating healthy and exercising regularly.
  • Practicing gratitude.
  • Taking breaks and sleeping well.
  • Asking for help.
  • Having fun.

To sum up, your well being is non-negotiable. Take good care of yourself daily!


It’s a great thing to dream big, make plans, and set goals. But most importantly, take the first step. Don’t waste too much time planning or day dreaming.

Also, don’t expect perfection the first time you try something new. Successful people understand that failure is part of the process of learning. They learn from their mistakes and are confident they’ll get better the next time.

Practice and persevere

I hope you found this list of habits helpful. Personally, discovering what other entrepreneurs do to succeed on their biz has helped me to change my mindset and habits.

Finally, note that creating a new habit takes time. Experts suggest it takes 3 to 4 weeks of every day practise. Here are a couple of great references you might find useful:

That said, make the choice of showing up every day for the person you’d like to become.

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Mike Murdock - 10 success habits of online entrepreneurs you need to practise.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this post, join my email list to get free tips to grow your business online.

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” (Instagram) is not going anywhere. Why not join the party?” 🎉 – Jennifer Aniston. If you’re like my friend Jen (yes I know, “in your dreams, girl”) who recently joined the party, then welcome! 😃 🥂 And if you’re like me, an entrepreneur who joined the party to promote her biz, then you need … Read more

What’s your Instagram Style?

What's your Instagram Style Take the Free Quiz

Are you on Instagram to promote your brand and would like to find out what does your feed says about you? Discovering your Instagram style will let you know the best strategy to grow and succeed on this platform! 🌟

Maybe you’re someone who likes to build connections with like-minded people, or who educates her audience on her craft, or someone who lets her work shine by itself but prefers to stay behind the scenes.

What's your Instagram Style - Take the Free quiz

What’s Your Instagram Style?

Are you curious about knowing what’s your personal style on IG?

Take my 1 minute quiz to find out your Instagram Style and get personalized tips to keep shining and growing on this platform. Have fun! 💃

What was your result?

Are you an influencer, a community gal, or do you promote a beautiful storefront ? I took the quiz and turns out I’m “the educator”, which means I like to teach my audience how to grow their biz online while building a community of like-minded people.


I hope you had fun taking this quiz and discovered your own personal style. I’m sure knowing it will help you decide the best course of action to meet your goals. 💥

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with these helpful tips to grow your brand online:

About the author

Web Designer Candiac Estela Perez

Stella Perez

Hi, there! 👋 I’m a Montreal based online marketer passionate about helping brands grow their presence online. Read my story.

Let’s be pals on Instagram!

Keep in touch!

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Why a Website is Important for Your Business Growth?

Why a website is important for my business growth

Thinking about creating a website for your business and wondering what are the benefits of having one? Then you’re in the right place. In this post I’ll tell you 8 reasons why a website is important for your business growth in 2021.

Some Interesting Facts

The fact is, consumers expect companies to have an online presence and will consider a company that doesn’t have one as less professional. And with an effectively designed website, you can showcase your products or services to new and existing clients 24 hrs a day, all year round.

Moreover, with the way people research for local businesses nowadays, having a website where they can find yours is key.

How to promote a blog post after publishing it

Here are some interesting statistics:

That said, if you want your business to pop up in your dream client’s search queries, then you need a website.

Why a website is important for my business growth

8 Reasons Why a Website is So Important for Your Business

1 Get found online by your dream clients.

A website can get your business in front of new targeted clients. Not only those who follow you on social media, but also the people who are looking solutions to their problems on search engines (like Google, Bing, DuckduckGo).

When properly optimized to appear on search engines (with effective SEO techniques), your website can appear for organic (unpaid) search results.

2 Create new streams of income.

A website can help to create new sources of income like selling digital products or services, affiliate marketing, donations, and others. And even though hard work is required to set you up for ecommerce, it’s a long term benefit that’s worth the effort.

3 Be accessible to your clients 24/7.

In case of any eventually, a digital home base can help you keep doing business 24hrs a day, all year round. For instance, when social media platforms are down or change their algorithms, your audience can still engage with your brand through your website.

Moreover, with the new reality the COVID-19 lockdown has brought, a website can help you stay on business.

4 Build online credibility.

Imagine you’re a big success on Instagram with your fashion sense or your photography talent, and then you start getting the attention of big brands. Where would you like them to see your portfolio or send to you an email? 🤔

Well, I’m sure you’d like to refer them to a beautiful professional website where they can see who you are, your work, and some testimonials. That’s right, you want them to see your business as an authentic one. A website can help you build credibility.

See How to build online credibility for your business

5 Create authority in your industry

By publishing content regularly on your website about your knowledge on a topic, you’ll be seen as the leading expert in your niche. Moreover, you can promote that content to other social media channels, right from your website.

See How to grow your email list and show off your expertise with a quiz.

6 Cultivate trust for your business

Blogging regularly about your craft and sharing your knowledge with your audience, can help you build a connection with them. In other words, by evolving your website into a blog, you can earn your reader’s trust.

See “Why Start a Blog for My Business?”

7 Brand positioning

By building a website with a consistent look and feel, people will start recognizing your brand’s voice. It can help you to stand out among a sea of competitors.

8 Grow your business while you sleep.

By implementing an Email Marketing System (EMS) on your website, you can build an engaged audience through email subscriptions. But most importantly, you can keep that audience. Say goodbye to social media’s algorithm, you can still engage with your readers.

What are the benefits of having a website for my business

Where do I get started?

If you’re ready to set up your website, then the next step is deciding to either DIY or to hire someone to help you out. Either way, start by making a careful assessment of your budget, time and willingness to learn.

Next, get informed on the most popular website builders nowadays. To help you find out the right choice, I’ve set up the follwing free quiz.

Take the first step!

Having your own website can bring new possibilities for your business’s growth. From reaching your ideal clients, to creating new streams of income. Moreover, a website is essential to keep your business thriving during these challenging times.

That said, grab your spot in the digital world and get a website today!

7 ways to establish online credibility for your brand

How to establish online credibility for business

If you have some sort of online presence your brand is exposed every day to new audiences, which means there’s an opportunity to make a good first impression among them. In this post I’ll tell you how to establish online credibility for your business, by implementing 7 actions.

How to establish online credibility for your business


Having a website helps building your online credibility
A website is a permanent place where people can learn about you anytime, anywhere.

When people search on Google to discover new products or services, they will want to learn as much as possible about the company they’ll choose to buy from.

Probably the first place people will find out about you, will be through your Facebook page, which is a good start.

However, having a website that showcases the personality of the company, and your products or services, will give people signals of the authenticity of your business.

In addition, it is strongly recommended to register your own domain name with a .com extension, and getting a SSL Certificate as a seal of trust for your website.


Place your contact info, working hours, social media accounts, and contact form in a visible place across your website. Also, create an “about” page for yourself and/or the team members of your company.

Additionally, have a personalized email address with your own domain name and avoid using free email services.


Choose a professional logo and a set of colors and fonts for your brand. Implementing a consistent image for your business will help you build memorability. As a result of this, every time you share a post on your blog or social media, people will start to associate it with your brand.


How to rpomote a blog post after publishing it

Ask yourself where your ideal audience is gathering and focus on using one social platform regularly. Adding social media to your marketing strategy, will allow you to develop a relationship with your audience using a more relaxed tone of voice.

The following quote illustrates the style to use on social:

“For businesses, communication through social media requires to abandon the marketing speech and using a more authentic tone of voice. A company that uses a corporate speech on social media, runs the risk of being perceived as someone who during a social event, talks to her friends as though she was a walking brochure.”

Brunet, Lessard, Ducas – Les Médias Sociaux en Entreprise


Why start a blog for your business, what it is and who blogs and how to create an effective blog post
Build authority and create trust through a blog.

Writing regularly (or blogging) about your product or service is a great opportunity to build authority in your niche. For instance, you can create content inspired on the questions customers frequently ask about your products or service. As a result, you’ll start establishing yourself as an expert on your industry, and furthermore, gaining your audience’s trust.

Recommended: How to create an effective blog post


Care for your customers whether you're online or offline to build credibility for business.
Care for your customers whether you’re online or offline.

If someone takes the time to reach you out by email, or on your blog or social media to ask a question, to make a thoughtful comment or giving a review (good or bad), please take immediate action and respond as soon as possible. This will be key to not only create a good impression, but also a good reputation.


When browsing on Google, people will make a quick scan of the results and will naturally choose those businesses that have the best reputation. Therefore, take care of your customer service (online an offline), so people will be willing to recommend your brand to others. Also, ask satisfied customers to leave a review on your website or social media platform.


Taking the actions mentioned above will allow you to make a good first impression online. Moreover, showing authentic care for the people that takes the time to interact with your business online or offline, will build a more valuable asset for your business: credibility.

What other actions do you think can be taken to build online credibility? Share your thoughts on the comment section below.

Thank you for reading!

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How to establish online credibility for business with 7 actions
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